Manage Batch Expenses Screen

Use the Manage Batch Expense screen to import or manually add expenses that will later be claimed by the employees of the company on their expense reports. You can also print expenses and post them to the outstanding expenses file.

The Manage Batch Expense screen is part of the Batch Expenses feature in which you can pre-load expenses in the system for the end users to claim on their expense reports. You can import these expenses from American Express (ASCII feed with the KR1025 format) using the Import application function, or the system administrator or accounts payable staff can manually enter them. These expenses can be company paid or employee paid. Deltek Time and Expense with ESS tracks these outstanding expenses and provide reporting and desktop visibility.

Besides the main screen that contains a table of imported expenses, there are also several wizards you can use to add or edit expenses. Once you are satisfied with the batch on this screen, you can post it to the outstanding expenses file by selecting the Post function. To print the expenses, click .


To display the Maintain Imported Expenses screen, complete the following step:

Click Time & Expense > Expense > Batch Expenses > Manage Batch Expense.


Screen Fields

Field Description
Batch ID

Enter up to 20 characters for the batch ID you wish to use for the batch expense. The batch ID cannot have been previously used. If it has been used, you will receive one of the following error messages:

  • The Batch ID already exists in the Batch Expense Outstanding table.
  • The Batch ID already exists in the Batch Expense Edit table.

    On a new batch expense, you must provide a batch ID before you can import or manually add an expense. If you click Save and have not entered a batch ID, an error message displays.

Batch Type

Select the type of batch from the drop-down list. The valid values are the batch types you have set up on the Batch Types screen under the Batch Expenses menu. They are listed in alphabetical order. The default value is Select.

If you have not selected a batch type before you click Save, an error message displays.

Sort By

Select the order in which you wish to see the information in the table. The available options are the same as the column headings in the table. They are:

  • Transaction ID
  • Expense Date
  • Merchant
  • Employee
  • Wizard Type
  • Provider
  • Personal
  • Amount

    The options are listed in the drop-down list in the above order with the default value being Transaction ID.

Add Expense

Click Add Expense to display the Add Expense wizard, where you can manually add an expense.

Note: The Add Expense function will be available after you enter and save a valid Batch ID and Batch Type.
Edit Expense

Select an expense in the table and click Edit Expense to display the Edit Expense wizard, where you can update the expense.

Delete Expense

Select the expense or expenses that you wish to delete by selecting the check box to the left of the row. Then click Delete Expense to delete the row(s).

Table Window

This table displays the expenses for the batch ID and batch type as determined by the batch type filtering criteria. They are listed in the order selected in the Sort By field. You can manually enter records or import them using the Import function. In order for the records to be imported or manually entered, you must first save the Batch ID and Batch Type values.

The Employee, Provider, and Personal columns are editable. The other columns are non-editable.

If you select the check box in the left top corner of the table, all rows in the table become selected. All rows become unselected if you clear the check box in the left top corner of the table. To select an individual row, select the check box to the left of the row.

The functions available for this table are Add Expense, Edit Expense, and Delete Expense.

Field Description
Transaction ID

This non-editable column displays the transaction ID. It is a unique identification ID for the row based on the batch ID and batch type.

The transaction ID will have a hyperlink. If you select it, a dialog appears displaying additional information about the expense. Different dialogs appear based on the wizard type.

Expense Date

This non-editable column displays the date on which the expense was incurred.


This non-editable column displays the merchant name associated with the expense.


This column is editable. If the expense has been assigned an employee, his name and ID (if your system is configured to show employee IDs) display in this column. Click to the right of the field to add an employee to the row if there is not one there already or to assign a different employee to the expense. The Lookup shows only active employees.

The information in the row displays in red if there is not an employee assigned to the expense.

Note: When employees are assigned to expenses within Maintain Batch Expenses, Deltek Expense filters the results to include only those whose pay currency matches the selected batch type's pay currency. For example, if the pay currency of the batch type is CAD, then only those employees whose pay currency is CAD are included.
Wizard Type

This non-editable column displays the type of the expense. The possible options are:

  • Car Rental
  • Entertainment
  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Mileage
  • Other
  • Transportation

This column is editable. If the expense has been assigned a provider, the provider name displays in this column. Click to the right of the field to add a provider to the row if there is not one there already or to assign a different provider to the expense. The Lookup displays providers that are active and assigned to the expense type of the selected row.


Select this check box to indicate that this row is a personal expense. Clear the check box if it is not a personal expense.

Amount (XXX)

The last column in the table contains the calculated amount of the expense. The system calculates the amount by multiplying the incurred amount in transactional currency by the system-provided exchange rate, giving the pay currency.

The code in the parentheses following the amount is the default currency code set up on the General Configuration screen. The number of decimal places used for the calculated amount is based on this default currency.


The Total field below the table displays the sum of all the expenses in the table. The number of decimal places is based on the default currency on the General Configuration screen.